Safety Policy for ShoeString Community Player events, productions, and all activities.
Purpose: To ensure a safe and secure environment for all participants, volunteers, and board members involved in events, productions, and all activities this policy outlines the minimum safety requirements that will be always followed as stated.
Policy Statement: To maintain safety, accountability, and trust, ShoeString Community Players will enforce the following guidelines for volunteers and board members:
1. Two-Adult Rule:
· Requirement: There must always be at least two adults present during activities involving minors or in any situation that may pose a risk of isolation.
· Purpose: This rule is designed to protect all participants and staff by preventing potential situations where an adult could be alone with a minor or in a position of power without oversight.
2. No One-on-One Interactions:
· Requirement: Direct, one-on-one interactions between adults and minors are strictly prohibited unless a second adult is present.
· Exceptions: If an emergency or extenuating circumstance arises where this guideline cannot be adhered to, it must be reported to the supervising authority immediately. If Production staff, report to supervising Director. If Director, report to supervising board member(s).
3. Volunteer Check-In and Identification:
· Requirement: All volunteers must check in at the designated volunteer station before participating in any activities. Each volunteer will receive a volunteer pass that must be always worn and displayed visibly while on site. Volunteer passes will include VOLUNTEER displayed clearly and the production name. A parent visitor is considered a volunteer in this respect.
· Purpose: Quickly identity that all present are permitted to be onsite.
Exemption: Volunteers who are members of the cast, crew and orchestra (if a musical ) of a production will not be required to wear the associated pass during dress rehearsals and performances.
4. Photo ID Passes for Board Members and Production Staff:
· Requirement: All board members and production staff must carry photo ID passes, which must always be visible. Passes will include staff/board names, position, production name, and photo.
· Purpose: Photo ID passes are necessary to quickly and efficiently identify board members and production staff, ensuring transparency and facilitating a secure environment.
Exemption: Board members and Production Staff who are members of the cast, crew and orchestra (if a musical ) of a production will not be required to wear the associated pass during dress rehearsals and performances.
5. Compliance and Enforcement:
· Monitoring: Event supervisors will oversee adherence to this policy and will address any instances of non-compliance immediately.
· Verification: Photo ID passes should be checked during volunteer check-in and may be checked at random during the event to maintain compliance.
· Consequences: Failure to comply with the policy may result in restricted access to event areas, temporary suspension from volunteer duties, or be barred permanently from volunteering with ShoeString Community Players.
Safety Guidelines for Minors to be explained before each production by Director or supervising Board Member(s):
· A minor is never to be alone with an adult that is not a parent or guardian
· A minor is never to have one on one interaction with an adult that is not a parent or guardian
· A minor is to always display their volunteer pass unless exemption applies.
· A minor shall report to the supervising director or board members if anyone is not wearing their pass unless exemption applies.
· A minor shall report to the supervising director or board members if one of the above requirements are not followed
· A minor shall report to the supervising director or board members if they are feeling unsafe in any way
All production staff and volunteers must review and acknowledge this policy before participating in any event. Board members will ensure compliance to this policy for each production, event, and activity sponsored by or produced by ShoeString Community Players.
Review and Updates: This policy will be reviewed annually or as needed to respond to changes in safety standards, regulations, or best practices. Updates will be communicated to all involved parties promptly.
Approved 2/11/2025